a shock

Saturday, August 26, 2006

i jus gt a shock fr sum1...haiz...finela...i noe is gona happen anyway la...bt still...i duno wat2 say d...nvm...got another shock...reli shocked dis time..till i reli reli gt nothing2 say d..wahhh...gona go crazy d...haih...nothing to say..hope tat nothing ll happen l8r....reli hope so....

done...today is saturday...1 hour plus more gona b sunday...my last day of holiday...woo..woo..bt tmrw is oso meng wai s bday!

gona hav a dinner wif her tmrw lo...after tuition...bt duno whr yt...nd2 ask miu kee n d others oso...hope d dinner goes on well tmrw..

i regret again...my holidays end n i haven achieve anything...die...physics homework nt done yt...been doin a bit of math only...woo...haiz...nvm la....must study hard d nw....i m sayin dis every single day....bt i didnt do anything oso...haiz....

nw kepala pening wif d dinner tmrw...miu kee said burger king wor...no prob wif tat...bt ar...ppl le..haiz...hw ar?c hw la...

oki...nothing2 write d..oso duno wat i hav been crapin oso..bt cant wait 4 tmrw s smillin pasta!!wana watch..so cute..hahaha....ciaoz...