Tuesday, June 05, 2007
On the 5th of June 2007,
HAPPY BDAY to Esther Khor Soong Huei!!
Date : 4th of June 2007
Venue: Wong Kok Restaurant, SS2
Time: 7.00pm
Thx to these ppl :
Esther (d bday gurl)
Jonathan (d bday boy)
Pek Tong
Chee Keen
Kit Yeng
Wei Shiang
Au Yong
Icehart (Mong)
Mun Kit (the guy which i dont know)
E-von (who came n join us later)
A few of us managed to plan something for esther n jonathan for their bday..
Even though is kind of "kelam-kabut", at the end everything went on well I suppose.
Went to SS2 at around 6 something due to the heavy rain..went there early because I just remembered that there s pasar malam on monday night. I wont be able to find a parking easily...
As predicted, I didnt get a parking that near to the restaurant..quite far away but still okie I guess.
Went to pasar malam with kit yeng, wei shiang, chee keen n pek tong. hahaha..
Kit yeng n pek tong walked so fast at first till I m wondering are they going for a marathon race or what?
This part I cant touch much on it because there are certain parties which are not allowed to know..
All of us gathered in Wong Kok after a few of jonathan s friends came..I duno them..actually only duno one of them. Since I know joseph last time already..BTW, those are really "kids". Reasons? u ll know y.
Only managed to get the orders from everyone around 8 plus..quite late though because we kpt on chatting..
My jaw dropped while I saw.. those "kids" are ordering "milo ice" n "horlicks ice" in Wong Kok????
Sry la, just cant take it at that moment..
I dont like my rice but I like my drink. Green mango. not bad not bad..It s nice n very appetizing. It comes in a very big n heavy glass though..
Not to forget that those "kids" made quite a lot of noise about my drink.
V managed to get the bday "teh" from the supervisor after chee keen talked to him. But now the worst is no one s is willing to drink it!!!!
End up v just grabbed those "kids" s empty glasses n refilled for them.
And do u think they drink it? Nope, they didnt. They ended up playing with it. For example, adding a whole mug of sugar into the drink? pouring the "teh" into their empty bowls? n "kacau" it? =.="
Got the cake out at 9.15pm..It s a mango yogurt cake from Cake Sense, at least according to chee keen, it is. But the others kpt on saying got durian fillings in there. I didnt try because I m too full for it. Those "kids" dont like it at all but e-von, esther n kit yeng thought that s not bad..
Jonathan left at 10pm...with all his presents.. =)
V continued to talk n chat a bit. Till around 10.45pm, e-von suggested wana go somewhere else. The others agreed with pooling in Sunway while chee keen, esther, me n au yong decided to head home.
V went outside to wait for esther s dad to come n pick her up at Wong Kok s entrance..
Surprsingly, v met daniel n a bbian who I duno his name. Chat a bit with daniel before leaving.
Drove home after dropping au yong in front of his house..offered him a ride since he stay so near my house. Cant just let him walk home rit?
Anyway, v got separated into 2 groups again..haha
Nvm la..
As long as everyone is enjoying with their friends.
As long as everyone has a great n memorable time.. *i hope*
Here s the pics: our delicious cake
The bday boy n bday gurl ^^
From left: Kit Yeng, Esther, Chee Keen, E-Von
P/S: Mayb I should clarfiy that the "kids" refer to all the guys that present on that day...mayb exclude au yong, nicholas, pek tong n chee keen...haha
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