Bizzy Body Workshop~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

With the help from w-fish, I got to know that they will be having a workshop in their outlets..And one of the their outlets is actually very near, Uptown, Damansara Utama. Since I got nothing to do, and kind of aiming at their skin care actually (=.=)..I decided to pull my sis along to give it a try..

(08/01/11, Saturday)
We reached there quite early, but only went into their outlet right on time...And they made us waited for like 45 min before the workshop starts!!!! It's because the other customers haven't reach.........and I took a glance on the name list the Marketing lady, Elaine holding, it only consists of like 6 ppl~ But when one of the customers asked, she said around 20~ =.="

While waiting, they served us with tea and also some fresh fruits in cup...The area for the workshop/ talk is really really small..It was held in front of their counter...Just lidat..Dahlah the outlet is not tht big! *double sweat* And the seats were packed, with their own customers..

Even their own counter is packed......The screen in the pic below was like just on the left side of this pic....

The tea and the fruits served......And I suspect that the glasses they used for the tea are actually those candle holders...........

After so so long, finally they are starting..With the pear and apple, the nutritionist proceeded to daily meals..I like her actually. She is very nice~ A lady beside me asked her a lot of questions and she answered all of them nicely with explainations....

Then the consultant came to consult us personally. For our case, me and my sis together... For body fat percentage using the weight..Her name is Eva. She is very nice in explaining to me n my sis how the body fats works..and also promoting how their treatment works..*Of course I'm overweight* I need to take their treatments for around 20 times....@.@ Can't remember already...No money $$~ She did kept on persuading us to take their treatment since now got promotion, but she also asked us whether will it be too expensive since we are just students...It's really nice of her..

Of course we didnt take any of those treatments...Really expensive!! Then, she nicely asked us to wait for a while when she was away to take the goodies bags which includes Body Lotion, Body Scrub, Lipo Scuplt Gel and some vouchers.

I didnt take any photos of those yet..Still at home. Will take n update this post next time...

IMO, I think Bizzy Body, okie lah~ Because I guess it's on promotion, the prices for the package are actually not that bad. But I dont think I will still having a full bowl of rice for lunch and dinner while they only allow half and a quarter..and like me taking two tablespoons of Milo while only two teaspoons are allowed.....hahaha...

P/S: Sorry for long time no update..No mood actually..More posts will be flowing in soon!


Thursday, December 02, 2010






那是未来, 等着我去尝试,去冒险。。。


加油吧, 我的未来!

Birthday 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a belated post, approximately a month ago...

Date: 5/10/2010
Venue: Pizza Hut, Jusco, Cheras Selatan

Thanks a lot to them for helping to celebrate my bday. Thanks a lot too to Wai Ling for driving us there!!

It was another hectic week that we had that time..with everything crashing in together. We decided to go for Pizza Hut as most of us never had pizza for quite some time food lovers we are~ What to do?

Me and my yummy-licious cake.
I didn't know they were going to buy the cake for me. Really a surprise! Thanks!! picture~ =)

I love the was so fresh! I guess the fresh cream really pull it off.
This portion of cake was brought back to college with me, n down to my roommie's tummy~ *She loves fresh cream*

Besides celebrating my bday, we were also there to hunt for seniors' convo presents. *headache*
Being half pk that time, and stucked with FYP and Plant Design, we still had to find time to shop for seniors' presents pulak~

But, we were kinda enjoy ourselves while shopping for those though..haha. Can't help to fell for those cute bears and soft toys~

I realized that I'm taking less n less photos. I should get my mood back to blog and take more photos!!!

Below is the after 7/10/2010's post...
Thanks to all my friends for your wishes in sms, on facebook, in person....I've received all you guys' great wishes and my years ahead will definitely be great!
I think I got most through facebook. I was trying to replying every single messages one shot, till I got warned by FB admin, not allowed to post or reply any messages for a few hours...=.=
I still managed to reply everyone at the end, I think...I didn't miss anyone rit? XP

I've a few activities to update..So watch out for updates..I will try. It's the important hours now u know...It's finals!

I'm actually posting this midnight...1.51am. I shall go n sleep n wake up early..n continue to study my Oil & Gas! I'm going crazy soon...

BTW, ppl, please wish me all the best n good luck! in something...*secretive* I'll need all of them!!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hie guys~
How long have I been away from the blog? *headache*
I was stuck with my FYP proposal and also my first and second draft of Plant Design..
Finally, those two are coming to an end...
Aihz...that means my 7th sem is finishing..

Our dearest plant design 2nd draft...a total of 3 copies of it..cost us RM 100~

We spent like 2 hours in the photostate shop! Were camwhoring with my coursemate's iPhone 4~ *p/s: Please forgive the very 'chan' punya face n messy hair...been staring at the lappy day n night, n with empty stomach since the night....*

So, currently I'm on a week's study break before finals. Even that, I'm willing to hang out. Please ask me out! I totally need to de-stress~

I managed to catch a movie during last my own "theatre"
Was in total comfort, lied on my bed...watching "Hannah Montana The Movie"..
I wanted something light, that's y i decided to go for it...
I've no desire to continue for my Polymer Case Study and Oil and Gas Case Study that time..It's time to get some rest..after a few sleepless weeks...

Just that, I'm totally addicted to the movie, not Hannah Montana I think..
The songs are great..the storyline was very meaning full..for me lah~

I had been watching it a few times..still that great! Call me childish~
Maybe that's the effect of too much stress......

Life is a climb, but the view is great~
For me, life is definitely a climb, but will my view be great? It's for me to think n experience~
I cap this from the movie, and I guess it will be with me for quite some time...=)

Birthday giveaway?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No no no no noooooooooooooooooooooo...

It's from Jessy!

See this??

Under it, see THIS????

What a gorgeous colour for eyeshadow!! U stand a chance to own it!!! *me also actually* XP

And, see THAT??
All theseeeeeeeeee, given by Jessy, for freee!!
How generous is she!!

Fast fast...Grab your chance, be her follower and track her rules & regulations on her page to get your hands on it!!!!

Remember! It's only running from 26 October 2010 (5pm) to 26 November 2010 (12am)!!

Don't miss the golden opportunity!!!

Long time no update

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Everyone has forgotten about my blog rit?
I'm really I dont really have the mood to blog..

What m I into recently? Have a look at the picture below..

The picture was taken by my dear W810i, around midnight..where all my roommates were asleep. Yea, that's my table in my room, my hostel in UPM.

It's full, with my finally- alive lappy, snacks from my roommie *she is sick of it already*, my dear bunny hp holder, my cute lil octopus *not in photo, on top of the light holder* and the most...BOOKS & PAPERS!! =.="

Sorry, my still-quite-fresh lappy still don't have Photoshop can't edit the photos..
Aihz. That's my life for now. I wonder when will it ends?

Korean Fooooooooooooooood!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Date: 23/06/10
Time: After office hours
Venue: Sunway Pyramid

First Outing!
Actually only both of us. =.= It's supposed to be three of us!
Something happened n she can't make it. Sobs.

All three of us from MOX- Linde, Hicom Office, planned to go skating in Pyramid after work.
But somehow the plan tak jadi. Left two of us. Makan- makan and jalan- jalan.

Pyramid is on World Cup Fever also! XP

Yea, besides that, we also took some pictures!
Since both of us are not that picky on our food, we went around Pyramid for quite some time before gets to decided what to eat. From Manhattan Fish Market, Sakae Sushi to Ko Hyang (Korean Food)!

Finally, our lucky pick!! Ko Hyang!!

It's just some small small shops near the Ice Rink. When we found it, (Yea, we don't know where is it, had to look for it all over.) the seats prepared were basically all taken.

Shee Wee managed to found seats for both of us.
Dang Dang Dang Dang! Yay!

The menu is really really tempting. I wanted to order all of it!
Shee Wee ordered Soon Dobu Ji Gae (Spicy soft dobu stew with seafood and rice). Big portion!
The soup is really good!

Happy Shee Wee and her yummy-licious rice and soup!

Me turn. Bi Bim Guk Su (Sweet and spicy noodle with vegetables).
Shee Wee's is hot with the hot stone pot while mine is slightly cold.

Really mouth- watering! I really want to try it again!

Me and my noodles! Yay!!
Oh ya, these are our drinks. Some Korean Barley.
It's slightly sweet. Cooling drink.

Our receipt. Not that expensive. Acceptable with really good food!!
We still wana go back there to try To Pok Ki and their Kimchi Pancake or Pancake!!!

We saw this in the ladies. Don't know what it means. But seems like something special?

Yummy-licious Moist Chocolate Cake!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The best Moist Chocolate Cake I have ever tried!
I'm not really a big big fan of chocolate-ty stuff. But I decided to give this cake a try, just to see how it will turn out. And it's fantastic!!!

Adapted the recipe from here. Thanks to Quinn!
I personally think that steamed moist chocolate cake is much more moist compare to the baked moist chocolate cake. But I can't be sure since I never bake any moist chocolate cake before and I don't think I would want to try it as this turns out really really well!

It's really dark. All the pictures here are posted just with the "stamp" on it, WITHOUT ANY OTHER ADJUSTMENTS!! And yeshhhh, the topping is really that shiny! *I love my camera and my cakeeeee!!*

My cake..after cooled down from's already that dark before any other topping! It's not any of those sweet sweet chocolate cakes that you have outside on bakery!! Close up shot of my dearest cake..*Yumm yummmm*

Purposely went and bought the vanilla ice-cream just for this.
Imagine the icy cold vanilla ice-cream, the warm chocolate-ty topping and the super moist chocolate cake.....^^

I still have some moist cake left in my fridge. XP

Can't wait to get back home n try it now!